Hakomi Training Online

Hakomi Ireland Training Online

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn to do Hakomi online. In our global community many Hakomi practitioners have already been doing some online sessions with their clients. It makes sense that this be part of the basic Hakomi training. Even though we work a lot with physical contact in Hakomi, with a bit of creative modification, we can also comfortably use the method remotely. Now, out of the situation in which we all find ourselves, a creative impulse has been sparked to explore Hakomi for online use.

This online Hakomi Course will count as Hakomi training days.

Dates for 2021

Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st  February 2021
Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st March 2021
Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th April 2021
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th May 2021
Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th June 2021

What you can expect

  • Training in how to use Hakomi online.
  • Learning to track another person on a screen with only a head and shoulders visible.
  • Creating Hakomi experiments online.
  • Working with physical, embodied and touch experiments remotely.
  • Doing distance ‘nourishment’ and ‘Missing Experience’.
  •  Developing a wider range in working with Hakomi.

What Zoom offers

  • Whole group is able to meet with everyone visible to each other on a shared screen.
  •  Interactive collective learning and discussion.
  • Small groups can practice in a quiet, private space in breakout rooms
  • Trainers can enter breakout rooms to offer guidance and coaching.
  • Documents can be collectively read by the group and distributed immediately for use in practices.
  • Some Zoom functions can enhance Hakomi experiments in a way that is not available face-to-face.


Two day Hakomi Training Workshop online.
Each day is 10am to 5.30pm.

10:00 -11:15          Zoom Session
11:15 – 11:45        Tea Break
11:45 – 13:00        Zoom Session
13:00 – 14:30        Lunch Break
14:30 – 15:45        Zoom Session
15:45 – 16:15        Tea Break
16:15 – 17:30        Zoom Session


As this is an online training we are reducing the normal training fee:
170 Euros or 150 GBP (UK Pounds) for the weekend.
You can choose to pay in either Euros or UK Pounds.

If you wish to pay in Euros please contact Sabine Volkmann at ei.lu1739125651osdna1739125651ydobh1739125651siruo1739125651n@eni1739125651bas1739125651 to make your booking.
If you wish to pay in UK Pounds (Stirling) please contact Caroline Braham at moc.m1739125651aharb1739125651enilo1739125651rac@e1739125651nilor1739125651ac1739125651 to make your booking.


Our lives are in constant flux at the moment and situations can change fast. To us, at Hakomi Ireland, this means that we all need to be more adaptable and flexible in how we approach this online training.

As the organisers we agree to:

  • Refund fee if attendance becomes unexpectedly impossible for a participant.
  •  Inform participants one week prior to the training if the training needs to be cancelled due to low numbers.
  • Refund fee if training is cancelled.


  • Early booking would be helpful to ensure training can go ahead.
  • Payment latest one week before the training.

Hakomi Trainers

Caroline Braham and Sabine Volkmann

We hope this offering to keep the training going will be supportive to you in these difficult times where there is so much loss and change. A little bit of ‘familiar’ in all of this extra-ordinary…..

For information, booking and payment details as well as any queries please contact:

Caroline Braham moc.m1739125651aharb1739125651enilo1739125651rac@e1739125651nilor1739125651ac1739125651 or
Sabine Volkmann ei.lu1739125651osdna1739125651ydobh1739125651siruo1739125651n@eni1739125651bas1739125651